Friday, October 13, 2006

... adjustments & yearning...

I am so very thankful for this little orange kitten sitting in my lap right now. Through some unexpected circumstances, I became a cat owner about 6 weeks ago. Who knew when I said yes to taking her, how grateful I would be for her now.

I think one of the hardest things about this season in my life is the inability to really rely on people. Close friends are wonderful, but they end up taking jobs across the country (or world) or getting married and leave you a bit lonely. Roommates are great – but they up and move on you unexpectedly, causing you to frantically find a solution to the monthly rent. I so long for someone to journey through life with – someone who is along for all the adventures, sorrows and changes. Someone who you can learn to lean on and trust, knowing that they are doing the same. Someone to come home from the grocery store to, a meal waiting to be prepared and shared.

Instead, here I sit – housing situation up in the air, a close friend on the verge of two becoming one, another friend on the road (literally) to a new life. But I also have a little orange tabby sitting in my lap purring. I do not want to become the crazy cat lady, but to have someone who relies on you and loves your homecomings is a good thing for my soul right now.

And in the meantime, I will wait upon the Lord. He knows the desires of my heart and I know His timing is perfect.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

It Pays to Research

My car, Sam, which has been a wonderfully reliable vehicle until recently, has had a bit of an upset stomach of sorts. Or perhaps it would be considered a cold.

I've noticed things not running as smoothly (and my gas running lower than normal) and then the dreaded Check Engine Light came on... dum, dum, dum...

After throwing away about $100 on it, my wonderful research papa discovered a recall on my car - with people describing the same problems I was having.

So, after many unanswered calls to the local dealership service department, I finally got through - and learned that I am covered under the recall! Yeah!

Thanks, Papa, for taking care of me yet again.

Friday, August 18, 2006


This summer has been brimming full – it’s hard to believe that soon August will be drawing to a close. Where exactly did summer rush off to? These last few months have been full of activity, road trips, laughter, deadlines, planning, spontaneity, new faces and adventures, quick but much anticipated visits with old, dear friends. All in all, time well spent.

A few things I have loved about this summer:

Flip-flop Tans
Which is a sure sign that your toes have been free for a good part of the sunny months. Too many days in work boots is not a good thing.

Road Trips
Be it a spontaneous trip home, heading west to the coast a few times, an anticipated trip down to LA and then Mexico, they’re all good. (Minus the cramming 8 people into a truck twin-cab)

I have forgotten what a delightful treat this is on a hot, summer day.

Friends Getting Engaged
There is something so sweet about walking through life with someone, hearing and experiencing the ups and downs together, and then being about to witness such happiness.

Western Horseman
Check out the August 2006 article, page 42.

Being a true Seattleite, I miss the rain. So, when the high desert rolls out their lightning shows, I love it.

Which also brings me to the things that aren’t so great about summer…

Forest Fires
Much of the summer has been clouded in smoke. One of the larger fires being only 10 miles away. I’m so not used to this.

Not the best way for a family reunion. I say the next time we all get together is for a wedding.

Rooster Cows
I don’t know what is wrong with the neighbor’s cow, but it has a problem. Not so pleasant early in the morning.

Farmers Tans
See Friends Getting Engaged. With this, brings a Maid of Honor dress. Not a bad thing at all, unless I can’t get rid of a few crazy tan lines. Fake and bake, here I come.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I love you, Papa

I keep getting harassed for not updating (sorry Dad & Kevo), but life has been keeping me in a sprint for the last couple months and I haven't had much time to sit and just ponder away at life, which is always when I get inspired to write.

Our season for the ranch opened up this past week and it has been great. A bit tiring (I come home at the end of a long workday ready to just crash, my brain still going a mile a minute), but it has reminded me why I am here. I love working with kids, especially watching the smile slowly creap onto their face after being here on the ranch. One instance this week - a young teen came for the first time and I could barely get a word out of her at the beginning, and especially not a smile. At the end of our time together, working and riding a horse, she has such a big, beautiful smile on her face, and she even gave me a hug at the end. Yep, there is such a reward in serving others in a way that energizes my spirit.

As I settle into the routine of the year, I am hoping I won't get so behind on updates. :) Thanks for giving me grief, guys.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Coastal Destination

Two weekends ago, a few of the girls, Gus (my roommates Jack Russell terrier) and I crammed into Becca’s car with the trunk jammed full of stuff, a full tank of gas, and enough roadtrip food to last us a week. A few phone calls the night before at 11 p.m. confirmed our plans for a spontaneous trip and we headed west with no clear destination except the coast.

As we headed over the pass towards the ocean, I was thankful I wasn’t driving. It was snowing pretty heavily as we hit the summit, but it slowly turned to rain. Ahh, I almost forgot what the weather was like in the valley – overcast, rainy, gloomy skies. But it was still a balm for my soul. One can stay cooped up in one place for only so long (didn’t I just get back from Seattle less than 3 weeks ago?) before you go stir crazy.

We hit up the small coastal towns (me being very thankful I didn’t live in a small coastal town) and spend many hours on the beach. Getting soaked for the most part. But also enjoying a rich sunset with the familiar grains of sand beneath my feet. So many memories of my year in Cannon Beach came flooding back to me.

Life is good when you are living it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The 4's

4 jobs you’ve had in your life:
1) Admin Assistant
2) Flower Arranger (I’m so not artistic either…)
3) Nanny
4) Horseback Riding Instructor

4 movies you would watch over and over:
1) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
2) Dirty Dancing
3) Grease
4) Sweet Home Alabama

4 TV shows you love to watch:
1) Gilmore Girls
2) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
3) I have no TV service…

4 places you’ve been on vacation:
1) Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
2) Vermont in the fall
3) Cabo, Baja Peninsula, Mexico (well, it was a mission trip…)
4) Oradea, Romania & Budapest, Hungary (another mission trip…)

4 websites you visited daily:
1) G-mail
2) Ms. Rich
3) Ms. Rich’s Kinja
4) Relevantmagazine (more on a weekly basis)

4 of your favorite foods:
1) Lasagna
2) Mom’s Potato Salad
3) Enchiladas
4) Steak @ Outback Steakhouse

4 things you would change about your house:

1) More square footage
2) Ability to control heat
3) Drawers for silverware and other kitchen items
4) Having an oven

4 favorite authors:
1) Robin Jones Gunn
2) Nicole Johnson
3) Don Miller
4) Kim Meeder