Friday, October 13, 2006

... adjustments & yearning...

I am so very thankful for this little orange kitten sitting in my lap right now. Through some unexpected circumstances, I became a cat owner about 6 weeks ago. Who knew when I said yes to taking her, how grateful I would be for her now.

I think one of the hardest things about this season in my life is the inability to really rely on people. Close friends are wonderful, but they end up taking jobs across the country (or world) or getting married and leave you a bit lonely. Roommates are great – but they up and move on you unexpectedly, causing you to frantically find a solution to the monthly rent. I so long for someone to journey through life with – someone who is along for all the adventures, sorrows and changes. Someone who you can learn to lean on and trust, knowing that they are doing the same. Someone to come home from the grocery store to, a meal waiting to be prepared and shared.

Instead, here I sit – housing situation up in the air, a close friend on the verge of two becoming one, another friend on the road (literally) to a new life. But I also have a little orange tabby sitting in my lap purring. I do not want to become the crazy cat lady, but to have someone who relies on you and loves your homecomings is a good thing for my soul right now.

And in the meantime, I will wait upon the Lord. He knows the desires of my heart and I know His timing is perfect.