Friday, August 18, 2006


This summer has been brimming full – it’s hard to believe that soon August will be drawing to a close. Where exactly did summer rush off to? These last few months have been full of activity, road trips, laughter, deadlines, planning, spontaneity, new faces and adventures, quick but much anticipated visits with old, dear friends. All in all, time well spent.

A few things I have loved about this summer:

Flip-flop Tans
Which is a sure sign that your toes have been free for a good part of the sunny months. Too many days in work boots is not a good thing.

Road Trips
Be it a spontaneous trip home, heading west to the coast a few times, an anticipated trip down to LA and then Mexico, they’re all good. (Minus the cramming 8 people into a truck twin-cab)

I have forgotten what a delightful treat this is on a hot, summer day.

Friends Getting Engaged
There is something so sweet about walking through life with someone, hearing and experiencing the ups and downs together, and then being about to witness such happiness.

Western Horseman
Check out the August 2006 article, page 42.

Being a true Seattleite, I miss the rain. So, when the high desert rolls out their lightning shows, I love it.

Which also brings me to the things that aren’t so great about summer…

Forest Fires
Much of the summer has been clouded in smoke. One of the larger fires being only 10 miles away. I’m so not used to this.

Not the best way for a family reunion. I say the next time we all get together is for a wedding.

Rooster Cows
I don’t know what is wrong with the neighbor’s cow, but it has a problem. Not so pleasant early in the morning.

Farmers Tans
See Friends Getting Engaged. With this, brings a Maid of Honor dress. Not a bad thing at all, unless I can’t get rid of a few crazy tan lines. Fake and bake, here I come.