Sunday, July 24, 2005

Peace, what a blessed thing

Steph was here for the weekend and we had a great time together. It is such a nice thing to have the chance to spend quality time with someone who understands you so well. There isn't a whole lot of explaining necessary and you are able to call each other on stuff, all the while knowing that they love you regardless.

Many adventures were had (ranch visiting, horse show attending, Happy Hour seeking, fun eatery discovering, river floating, sunburn soothing, our pizza being taken by a homeless :), but peace and quiet were also in abundance.

It is such a gift to be with someone so familiar, which would normally leave me feeling a little homesick, but to have such a peace in my heart. Life isn't perfect, and there are still days when I feel so incomplete, with so many unfulfilled longings, but I have found the tranquility of resting in the Lord for all that lays in the present and the beyond.

In the midst of change and busyness, I have a solid Rock on which I stand and take my strength.

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