Saturday, April 14, 2007

notes from all over

  • Whew, life has been building momentum lately… which doesn’t afford me much down time to reflect and write. I need more down time! But then I get bored… I’m so confusing sometimes. Here are a few smatterings of life lately:

    The ranch aired on Dobson for the second time and has sent my little office into a whirlwind. Good stuff, just a lot of it. 12 hour work days can be a bit exhausting. I am SO thankful for 3 day weekends. When I get them that is – there have been quite a few weekend days spend playing catch-up lately.

    The ranch has also opened for the start of my third season down here. It’s hard to believe at times that I’ve been here for so long already. It is WONDERFUL having the kids back! I’m anticipating some big things this year as far as life-change goes.

    I got to hang out with my parents in Portland for a day a couple weeks ago. I miss those people.

    Training for my half-marathon has come to a bit of a stand still. Partly because my knee and foot have decided to gang up on me and partly because I take that as an excuse not to run for 2 weeks. I need to be all healed up, right?? Only 2 more weeks to go and 13 miles are looming in front of me.

    Hawaii is right around the corner! It’s seriously hard to believe that I will be in the tropics in just a couple weeks. We’ve been planning and waiting for this for so long, but it hasn’t really sunk in. But I did find a cute dress to wear while we are there. J

    There are currently 14 teenage girls sleeping in my living room. We invited our SAGE (Seeking After God Entirely) teenage girls group to hang out, eat way too much pizza, talk really loud and a whole lot, and it’s been a hoot. These girls are awesome and I love spending time with them, but they do tire me out a bit. I’m feeling old.

    Time for bed… in just a couple hours I will be waking up to feed a hungry army. Hmm, waffles!


Anonymous said...

Julie Love,

Hi! It is Katelyn. I couldn't get ahold of you through e-mail (I just have your CMC address) so I figured I would look you up on the good ol' internet-- low and be-hold this thing comes in handy! It has been a very very long time. In the mix of moving and everything I lost touch with you.. and several people in general but you!

I was wondering if I could have your e-mail? There are some things on my heart that I would really love to share with you!

I hope you are doing well! It looks like it! =)

Katelyn Jones

Anonymous said...

Hey maybe you need my address? I am still at