Friday, July 27, 2007

Slideshow of the Summer

This summer has been a phenomenal one – packed with all sorts of adventures and crazy things that the Lord is doing. I’m overwhelmed most days with gratitude and joy with all that He has allowed in my life and what He is working out day by day. Here are a few visuals of Summer 2007:

I've had the opportunity to spend time with and invest in the girls who are here volunteering for the summer. Each Tuesday morning I am able to 'steal them away' and it may be the highlight of my whole week. I've learned so much through them and feel so priveledged that God has placed them in my life this summer. They are set apart and truly seeking after the Lord, a beautiful thing.

On a beautiful day in June, a handful of us scaled the mountiantop known as South Sister. It is one of the peaks viewed from the ranch and one that I would never have dreamed of climbing a couple years ago. Looking at the summit from the land below - it almost seems impossible. There was quite a few times on the ascent when I would pause, look up at the steps yet to be taken, and wonder how I was actually going to make it to the top. But by placed one foot in front of the other (although they were tiny steps most of the time), we all made it up. You can climb 'mountains' one step at a time.

Kim & Troy took some of us down to Redding, CA for some down time... it was an amazing weekend. Full of hiking, gold-panning, lake floating & innertubing, and time spend with the One who pursues me. I so dearly love the people that God has placed in my life and the opportunity to spend quality time building one another up.

Definitely the best weekend of the entire summer so far was one spent camping on the coast. We stopped by Multnomah Falls and Cannon Beach (two of my favorite places in all of Oregon) before ending up at South Beach, near Newport. We constructed a little tent city, just a short walk from the beach. Words can not describe what the Lord spoke into my being during that time. He is undeniably cementing His love deep within my heart.

I’m so grateful to be able to rest in the shadow of the Almighty, as He crafts something beautiful out of my frailty.

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