Saturday, February 26, 2005

Running Late

I know, I know, I've been a pathetic excuse of a writer lately. Just a few things going on in my life. I'm hoping to have a little time and inspiration coming shortly.

Today's the big day - I'm moving south. I won't go into all the mixed emotions I've been having lately (I'll save all that for another day), but I woke up thinking, "Um, no, actually, I don't think I want to move. Forget that I am currently unemployed here, I've said good-bye to everyone save one, the car is packed to the gills with my junk. I think I will just stay put." I've learned to not listen to that voice in the mornings when I first wake up. It's usually the same one that says, "Wake up to go to work? Nah, just stay in your nice toasty bed for a little while longer... zzz."

But regardless, here I go. Prayers would be appreciated. Updates soon to follow (if I can find a wireless internet connection).

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