Friday, December 03, 2004

One of those mornings...

It’s just been one of those mornings so far that you kind of shake your head at, but keep going.

I was running late from the get-go (which tends to happen if I hang out a little too late with good friends in a hot tub the night before). I’m not one to figure out the next day’s outfit the night before, but I’m sure that if I were, I could save some time in the mad dash to get out the door to work in the mornings. But thankfully today is Friday, and it’s a little more lax around the office as far as attire goes.

As I went to put on my shoes though, I discovered that I had carelessly put them on the floor under where I had hung my wet swimsuit from the night before. Let’s just say I got a dose of cold (and wet) feet this morning. As a result, those shoes were tossed aside and I had to search for a suitable pair of black work shoes. It also reminded me that I need to go shoe shopping – it’s been way too long.

Not having time to scrounge up some breakfast at home, I stopped by a local coffeeshop to indulge in a tall white mocha and a bagel (they also have breakfast burritos, which are delicious, but I figured a bagel was probably a safer option for this morning). Apparently it was also one of those mornings for the baristas too, because it took about 3 times longer that I would have hoped to get my coffee and breakfast. It was my day to open up the office, but I came in to discover my boss had done it for me. Not necessarily a good thing. J

I’m hoping the rest of the day goes a little smoother, but I’m not holding my breath!

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