Monday, October 11, 2004

Hmm, the comforts of home...

Today has not been one of my better days – woke up with a sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, the works. I called work as soon as I woke up and decided it just wasn’t worth going in (it’s always best to call in just after you have woken up, when your voice is extra gravelly from sleep). But other than not being able to breathe and felling like I have a bunch of cotton stuffed in my head, it hasn’t been that bad.

I’ve decided that one great benefit to living at home is mom. And my mom is the greatest because she loves to pamper and take care of people. I’ve already had homemade chicken noodle soup, crackers and juice brought on command, and now a batch of potato salad is being prepared. (I’m not sure why, but my mom’s potato salad is one of my favorite comfort foods.)

This is so much nicer that when just living with roommates. I was lucky to even get someone to bring me a glass of water.

So, mom, I salute you! (oh, and can you make me some tea to go with the potato salad?) :)

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