Friday, October 22, 2004

Yes! The weekend is finally here!

Wow, today was a doozy! Life as a church administrative assistant (that’s right, not secretary, administrative assistant) isn’t too bad, but it for sure has it’s moments. Today was one long moment. Fall is always the time for major events and they all seem to land in my departments (music and children) at once. Plus it seems that everyone but myself has decided to take vacation time. Why do I always get stuck there when everyone else is off in Hawaii or something? I was happy to see the clock finally tell me I could leave the madness and start enjoying the weekend.

My parents took me out for dinner tonight – no special reason, just ‘cause. I love that. We went to this great place out in Port Orchard (little bit of a drive) called Twetens. EXCELLENT seafood and a great atmosphere. It was nice to sit and chat and enjoy each other’s company – without schedules, interruptions, phone calls, etc. It’s so nice to take a break from the hurried pace and just enjoy those God has placed in your life. I encourage you to do the same.

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